Biomat Contraindications
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Biomat contraindications and cautions
Always consult with your physician or primary care provider before use of a Biomat. Remember to stay hydrated while using the Biomat.
Biomat contraindications
Organ transplants: recipients who have had any type of organ transplant (kidney, heart, liver, etc.) should not use the Biomat. After an organ transplant, patients will need to take immunosuppressant (anti-rejection) drugs to help prevent their immune system from attacking, or rejecting, the new organ. The Biomat’s far infrared rays increases immune system function, which will tell your body to attack the new organ.
External pacemaker: we recommend anyone who uses an external pacemaker should not use the Biomat.
Renal or kidney failure: we recommend anyone who has renal or kidney failure not use the Biomat. The use of the Biomat increases circulation of the blood, which may increase the blood flow to the kidneys causing stress.
Use with caution
Heat sensitive MS: we recommend anyone with heat sensitive MS use the Biomat with no heat and negative ions only. Anyone with other types of MS can use the Biomat at any setting.
Fever: if you have a high fever, use the Biomat on the lowest setting (no heat) with negative ions.
Radiation therapy/chemotherapy: we recommend anyone that has currently received radiation treatments or chemotherapy use the Biomat with negative ions only. Consult your physician before using the Biomat with any heat settings.
Bypass surgery: we recommend anyone who has undergone bypass surgery to use the Biomat on low heat only (95F-113F). The BioMat increases circulation of the blood, which can cause normal blood vessels to expand. Some people who have gone through bypass surgery experience discomfort since their blood vessels can’t expand.
Internal pacemaker: we recommend anyone who uses a pacemaker use the Biomat on low heat only (95F-113F). The Biomat increases circulation of the blood, which can cause an increase in heartbeat. Some people who use a pacemaker, experience discomfort since their heart beat is being controlled.
Brain tumor: we recommend anyone with a brain tumor use the Biomat on low heat only (95F-113F).
Diabetes: we recommend anyone with diabetes to use the Biomat on low heat only (95F-113F). Those with diabetes can have weakened skin which can result in low heat burn from the use of the Biomat. Once the skin is damaged, it may be difficult to recover.
High blood pressure (hypertension): we recommend people with chronically high blood pressure (hypertension) use the Biomat with caution before and after use, and on low heat only (95F-113F). Sudden changes in body temperature and/or weather temperature may cause an increase in blood pressure.
Newborn babies: we recommend parents with newborns wait until their baby is at least six months old before using the Biomat on low heat only (95F-104F) or negative ions only.
Young children: we recommend that children only use the Biomat on low heat only (95F-113F) and with adult supervision. If temperature is too high for the child, the temperature can’t be controlled without an adult. Please use with caution.
Pregnancy: we recommend women in their pregnancy use the Biomat on low to medium heat (95F-131F).
Surgical implants: those with titanium, metal, ceramic or plastic implants can use the Biomat. Surgical implants generally reflect infrared rays and are not heated by an infrared heat system. Anyone who experiences pain in those areas should check with their physician.
Silicon: silicon implants may be warmed by infrared rays. Silicon is known to melt at over 200 degrees Celsius / 392 Fahrenheit, so it should not be adversely affected by infrared rays. It is advised that you consult your surgeon before use.
Pain: you should not experience and increase in pain when using the Biomat. However, the infrared heat will go to areas of disease or discomfort so some people may perceive this as pain and others as a sensation. If pain is persistent, discontinue use.
Worsened condition: if your condition worsens when using the Biomat, discontinue use. Some temporary symptoms may occur, which can be attributed to the detoxification and healing process.
This information should not replace advice from your medical doctor. These are simply guidelines for contraindications and not a complete list of conditions and contraindications.
Please ensure you contact your medical doctor before usage of the Biomat. Information provided by manufacturer Richway & Fuji Bio Inc.
General cautions for far infrared therapies
Prescription drugs: if you are using prescription drugs, check with your physician or pharmacist for possible changes in the drug’s effect due to an interaction with infrared energy. If you are taking corticosteroids, you may experience some redness of the skin. Should you experience redness, we recommend that you discontinue the use until you have completed your medication. Should your redness continue, contact your health care professional. Often medications become more efficient with infrared therapies and may need to be reduced.
Joint injuries: if a person has a recent (acute) joint injury, it should not be heated for the first 48 hours or until the hot and swollen symptoms subside. Joints that are chronically hot and swollen may respond poorly to vigorous heating of any kind.
Infections: vigorous heating is strictly contraindicated in cases of enclosed infections be they dental, in joints or in any other tissues.
Hemorrhage: those with hemophilia and anyone predisposed to hemorrhage should avoid infrared usage or any type of heating that would induce vasodilatation that can lead to the tendency to bleed.